Example projects

Django-machina provides two example projects:

  • a “vanilla” project which contains a standard installation of django-machina without customization
  • a “demo” project which showcases the customization possibilities of django-machina (templates, logic, etc)

The vanilla project

The “vanilla” project contains a minimum installation of django-machina where no customizations have been made. The project uses the default forum settings and can be usefull for discovering django-machina‘s functionnalities.

To run this project locally, you can follow these instructions:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ cd django-machina
$ mkvirtualenv machina_vanilla_project
(machina_vanilla_project) $ make install && pip install -r example_projects/vanilla/requirements.txt
(machina_vanilla_project) $ cd example_projects/vanilla/src/
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py migrate
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py loaddata fixtures/*
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py runserver


The previous steps assume you have Virtualenvwrapper installed on your system.

The demo project

The “demo” project aims to show the possibilities of django-machina in terms of personalization and customization. It showcases how django-machina can be used to integrate a forum into a Django project. Some of the customisations that are included in this “demo” project are listed bellow:

To run this project locally, you can follow these instructions:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ cd django-machina
$ mkvirtualenv machina_demo_project
(machina_demo_project) $ make install && pip install -r example_projects/demo/requirements.txt
(machina_demo_project) $ cd example_projects/demo/src/
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py migrate
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py loaddata fixtures/*
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py runserver