Example projects

Django-machina provides two example projects:

  • a “vanilla” project which contains a standard installation of django-machina without customization
  • a “demo” project which showcases the customization possibilities of django-machina (templates, logic, etc)

The vanilla project

The “vanilla” project contains a minimum installation of django-machina where no customizations have been made. The project uses the default forum settings and can be usefull for discovering django-machina‘s functionnalities.

To run this project locally, you can follow these instructions:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ cd django-machina
$ mkvirtualenv machina_vanilla_project
(machina_vanilla_project) $ make install && pip install -r example_projects/vanilla/requirements-dev.txt
(machina_vanilla_project) $ cd example_projects/vanilla/
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py migrate
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py loaddata vanilla_project/fixtures/*
(machina_vanilla_project) $ python manage.py runserver


The previous steps assumes you have Virtualenvwrapper installed on your system.

If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system you can also run the “vanilla” project using the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ docker-compose build vanilla
$ docker-compose up vanilla

In that case you can navigate to http://localhost:8082 to test the project.

The demo project

The “demo” project aims to show the possibilities of django-machina in terms of personalization and customization. It showcases how django-machina can be used to integrate a forum into a Django project. Some of the customisations that are included in this “demo” project are listed bellow:

  • a new theme
  • the use of django-ckeditor instead of the default Markdown editor

To run this project locally, you can follow these instructions:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ cd django-machina
$ mkvirtualenv machina_demo_project
(machina_demo_project) $ make install && pip install -r example_projects/demo/requirements-dev.txt
(machina_demo_project) $ cd example_projects/demo/
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py migrate
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py loaddata demo_project/fixtures/*
(machina_demo_project) $ python manage.py runserver

If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system you can also run the “demo” project using the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellmetha/django-machina
$ docker-compose build demo
$ docker-compose up demo

In that case you can navigate to http://localhost:8081 to test the project.