Django-machina 1.1 release notes (2020-03-13)

Requirements and compatibility

Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. Django 2.2 and 3.0.

Major changes

  • It is now possible to configure permissions targetting all logged in users from the forums section of the Django admin (#170)

Minor changes

  • Fix incorrect icon class names used for the up and down buttons (allowing to move forums) in the admin (#166)

  • Fix user / group precedence issue related to forum permissions: now user permissions always have precedence over group permissions (#163)

  • Fix user forum permissions and group forum permissions panels being displayed in the admin regardless of the fact that the user has the necessary permission to edit those models (#172)

  • Prevent users from copying forum permissions in the admin if they don’t have the necessary permissions to do so (_add_ and _change_ permissions for user forum permissions and group forum permissions)

  • Fix database error happening when rejecting a post of an anonymous user (#176)

  • Fix error occuring with RSS feeds containing topics authored by anonymous users (#180)

  • Fix possible empty topic slug generation (#188)

Backwards incompatible changes

  • The URLs that are part of django-machina are no longer translated nor translatable