Django-machina 0.4 release notes (2016-11-05)

Requirements and compatibility

Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5. Django 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.

New features

  • Add a way to disable signature when posting a message

  • Add a way to lock a topic when posting a new message (only if the user has the permission to do so)

  • Add a MACHINA_MARKUP_WIDGET_KWARGS setting to configure the keyword arguments that will be used when instanciating the widgets associated with the MACHINA_MARKUP_WIDGET setting

  • Add a MACHINA_BASE_TEMPLATE_NAME setting to configure the name of the base template that is extended by the django-machina’s main board_base.html template

Major changes

  • The django-markdown editor has been replaced by a built-in widget using the SimpleMDE Markdown editor. If you were using the django-machina’s default settings you will have to remove django_markdown from your INSTALLED_APPS

Minor changes

  • Fix: prevent users from editting their posts when the related topic is locked

  • Fix: prevent users from submitting polls without required fields

  • Display the filesize of attachments

  • Improve layout for locked topics

  • Improve performances by adding first post / last post foreign keys to the Topic model

  • Separate the forum specific CSS styles from the “vendor” styles (bootstrap, etc) in order to ease customization

  • Improve forum index layout (#30)

  • Fix Topic.slug maximum length for MariaDB databases (#32)