Django-machina 1.0 release notes (2019-04-06)

Requirements and compatibility

Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. Django 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2.

Major changes

  • Default templates are upgraded to Bootstrap 4
  • A new MACHINA_USER_DISPLAY_NAME_METHOD setting is introduced. The setting defines the name of a method on the project’s User model to be used to retrieve user display names

Minor changes

  • The forms used by the admin classes of the forum application are now imported using the django-machina’s class loading system. This is to allow to easily override the related form fields and widgets in order to customize the corresponding admin pages
  • It is now possible to easily override the way forum member display names are retrieved for each user. See Using custom forum member display names for more details
  • The SimpleMDE Markdown editor was replaced by the EasyMDE Markdown editor

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Support for Python 2.7 is dropped
  • Support for Django 1.11 is dropped
  • The get_apps helper is removed. This function was used to append the machina’s applications (and overridden applications) to the INSTALLED_APPS setting. Now machina’s applications and overridden applications must be explicitly defined in the Django settings
  • The class is improved and moved to machina.core.urls.URLPatternsFactory in order to better suit the initial responsibility of this helper. Thus all the app modules in the machina applications have been removed and replaced by an urls module. The way to include machina URLs has been updated so that it is now possible to benefit from a standard machina.urls module containing an urlpatterns list
  • In order to better follow Django conventions, all django-machina’s AppConfig instances are renamed to <AppName>AppConfig (eg. ForumConversationAppConfig) and are moved to apps modules inside each application
  • The poster_ip field (that used to contain the IP address of post authors) is removed from the Post model as it wasn’t really used in the context of the forum application


  • Fix incorrect logic related to the use of the MACHINA_DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATED_USER_FORUM_PERMISSIONS setting that resulted in forums or categories not being displayed in the list of forums
  • Fix missing check that allowed users to reply to locked topics (#155)